RedPocket Mobile is in Walmart!

RedPocket Mobile offers three affordable calling plans on the Walmart website for existing customers. New customers can purchase a starter kit from

RedPocket Mobile is happy to offer affordable calling plans in Walmart. We offer three amazing plans, exclusive to Walmart, available for purchase online at Your plan will be delivered to you through a PIN code, sent by email. 

You must be an existing RedPocket Mobile customer to take advantage of these exclusive plans!


How does the Walmart plan PIN code work?

After you make your purchase at, you'll receive a PIN code by email. Log in at and select your phone line. Scroll down to the PIN Code section, and enter the PIN code you've received by email. The Walmart exclusive plan will be applied to your phone line immediately.

Your old plan will be removed and any remaining balances lost. We recommend changing to your Walmart exclusive plan at the end of your old plan's billing cycle or after it expires. Click here to learn more about activation PINs

If your current plan and billing cycle is on an annual or another multi-month recurring schedule, and you switch to one of our Walmart exclusive plans, your line will change to a monthly recurring schedule once you enter and activate the PIN. 


RedPocket Mobile - Unlimited Talk, Unlimited Text, 50 GB of Data per month 

This product offers 1 month of our unlimited minutes, unlimited text messages, and 50 GB high-speed data plan. The PIN code sent for this plan can be used for your RedPocket Mobile line on any network. Click here to learn more about our different networks


RedPocket Mobile - Unlimited Talk, Unlimited Text, 5GB of Data per month

This product offers 1 month of our unlimited minutes, unlimited text messages, and 5 GB high-speed data plan. The PIN code sent for this plan can be used for your RedPocket Mobile line on any network. Click here to learn more about our different networks


RedPocket Mobile - 500 Minutes, 500 Texts, 500 MB of Data per month

This product offers 1 month of our 500 minutes, 500 text messages, and 50 GB high-speed data plan. The PIN code sent for this plan can be used for your RedPocket Mobile line on any network. Click here to learn more about our different networks


Ready to buy?

Purchase your e-PIN code from The PIN code can be used with an existing RedPocket Mobile line. Not a RedPocket Mobile customer yet? Purchase your RedPocket Mobile starter kit from

RedPocket Mobile offers a 7-day risk-free guarantee, starting from the date of your online activation. This policy applies only to plans selected and purchased at, during the activation process.

For refunds and returns on your Walmart purchase, purchases can be returned within 30 days of the PIN code delivery. See Walmart's return policy for more information.

Visit the Walmart website to start shopping for your RedPocket Mobile Plan!


Have additional questions?

To learn about different networks read our What networks does RedPocket Mobile offer article.

To learn more about device compatibility, read our Will my phone work with RedPocket Mobile article. 

All company names are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective holders. RedPocket Mobile and are not affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by Walmart or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries.